onsdag 31 december 2014
Monkeybrain and dessert
Time for some dessert, chocolate fondant with ice cream and rasberries, with some monkey brain shots.
Emmy rich,
Last day of the year
Last day of the year 2014. It has been a turbulent year with lots of things happening. Looking forward to a great 2015. Hope all your dreams comes true. My 2015 is going to be filled with music and adventure. Have a wonderful New Year's Eve.
tisdag 30 december 2014
fredag 26 december 2014
torsdag 25 december 2014
Family dinner
Yesterday we decided to enjoy the great weather and do a bbq. Delicious dinner with my family.
I also got this great leopard tissue box, and a new pjs, a yearly tradition to get a new pjs every winter.
onsdag 24 december 2014
24th December
24th December,
Christmas Eve,
måndag 22 december 2014
söndag 21 december 2014
Chewing coffee
I found some coffee chewing gum today, so I just had to try it. It's weird.. But it tastes good. Perfect when your on the road and crave coffee so much.
lördag 20 december 2014
Party like Persians
I'm got invited by a good friend and his family to this awesome party, with great food,drinks, dance and Dj. Love spending Saturday's like this one.
torsdag 18 december 2014
Almost Friday
3 interviews done this week, and some business meetings. I have some big decision making to do. Exciting things are happening right now.
onsdag 17 december 2014
Social media frenzy tonight
Lots of things happening in the social media this evening. Can't keep up with all the messages and people spreading love,fans reaching out and people becoming new fans. Looks like this year will end in a great way.
Tomorrow is filled with new exciting things happening.
Lunching and shopping
After a morning filled with meetings it was nice to find time to have a girls day out with a good friend of mine.
A folder for all my crazy ideas =)
måndag 15 december 2014
Good advice
I have been receiving some good advice from my neighbors in Finland. I will be in contact with Gramex.
Also any good suggestions on places in Helsinki to host a show or piano concert? Some great quality places to perform that you all like.
Have a great night.
söndag 14 december 2014
lördag 13 december 2014
Dinner party with friends
Heading out to a party with friends, where we all bring some good food. My contribution is salad. So delicious.
fredag 12 december 2014
Planning for shows in Helsinki
I have been very active with my music lately. From recording a few new songs in the studio, to writing a custom made wedding song for a lovely couples wedding, as well as having my cd of shopping music played in exclusive shops for their customers. It's been an exciting year, and I'm planning so much for next year. I am open to suggestions on shows in Finland, and mostly in Helsinki. Any good advice on some particular places to connect with?
What really happened in Tallinn
I know it has been discussed a lot of my trip to Helsinki and Tallinn.
It is also circulating a lot of untruths.
There are those who want to hear my part of the story.
I do not want to talk negatively about anyone.
I can not read Finnish, so I do not know what is written.
When I translate the text it so often make errors in the translation and I do not understand the context.
There were times during my trip, which was good, but there were other moments that were less good. It was an adventure in a foreign country.
I wanted to travel to Tallinn and experience the city, culture, meet new people and be part of a wonderful adventure.
It was an adventure.
Instead of thinking negatively, when one is left stranded in Tallinn at 05 in the morning, I tried to make the best of it.
I called a good friend in Sweden, which gave me some advice. He has been to Tallin many times and told me about the amazing places I need to visit.
I found a lovely restaurant with excellent food, I heard the wonderful music from the speakers, it was sunny outside and good weather.
I thought good thoughts and wanted to go back and really get to experience the city's culture and visit beautiful places again, under better circumstances.
I met many nice people, some in Finland and some in Tallinn.
Everyone was helpful and friendly towards me.
I will focus on the music, and I would like to do some shows soon.
I am very anxious to get royalties from my songs: 4-ever and I'lI be waiting. I heard that my songs are being performed in Finland.
Some people think Im naive and greedy. But for those who really know me know that I'm not that type of person. I worked hard to make music in my life I have struggled for a long time.
Those of you who are musicians know it's a tough job, you will not get rich.
Music has always been a big part of my life, and I want to share my music and gift with others.
That is why I would have liked my royalties from the songs I've written.
I would be grateful for your help.
Since I do not know the language, and I do not know where my songs are being played in Finland.
Thanks to everyone who loves me as an artist.
Good night my friends. / Emmy
torsdag 11 december 2014
Mitä tapahtui Tallinnassa todella?
Tiedän, että se on keskusteltu paljon matkastani Helsingin ja Tallinnan.
Se on myös kiertävä paljon epätotuuksista.
On niitä, jotka haluavat kuulla minun osa tarinaa.
En halua puhua negatiivisesti jostakusta.
En voi lukea suomeksi, joten en tiedä, mitä on kirjoitettu.
Kun minä kääntää tekstiä niin usein tekee virheitä käännös ja en ymmärrä yhteydessä.
Oli hetkiä matkani aikana, joka oli hyvä, mutta oli muita hetkiä, jotka olivat vähemmän hyviä. Se oli seikkailu vieraassa maassa.
Halusin matkustaa Tallinnaan ja kokea kaupunki, kulttuuri, tavata uusia ihmisiä ja olla osa ihana seikkailu.
Se oli seikkailu.
Sen sijaan, että ajattelu negatiivisesti, kun yksi tulee jumiin Tallinnassa ja vasemmalle 05 aamulla, joten yritin tehdä parasta se.
Kutsuin hyvä ystävä Ruotsissa, joka antoi minulle neuvoja. Hän on ollut erittäin Tallin ja kertoi uskomattomia paikkoja minun pitäisi käydä.
Löysin ihanan ravintolan erinomainen ruoka, kuulin ihana musiikki kaiuttimista, se oli aurinkoinen ulkopuolella ja hyvä sää.
Ajattelin hyviä ajatuksia ja halusi mennä takaisin ja todella saada kokea kaupungin kulttuuri- ja käydä kauniita paikkoja.
Tapasin monia mukavia ihmisiä, jotkut Suomen ja joidenkin Tallinnasta.
Kaikki olivat avuliaita ja ystävällisiä minua kohtaan.
Minä keskityn musiikkiin, ja haluaisin tehdä joitakin keikkoja tulla.
Olen hyvin ahdistunut saan rojalteja minun kappaleita 4-ever ja I'll be waiting kuulin pelataan paljon Suomessa.
Monet framsäller minulle naiivi ja ahne. Mutta niille, jotka todella tuntevat minut, tietävät, että en ole sellainen ihminen. Olen työskennellyt kovasti musiikkia elämässäni, olen taistellut pitkään.
Ne teistä, jotka ovat muusikoita tietävät se on kova ammatti, että et rikastua.
Musiikki on aina ollut iso osa elämääni, ja haluan jakaa sen ilon muiden kanssa.
Siksi olisin halunnut minun rojalteja kappaleita olen kirjoittanut, esitetään julkisesti.
Olisin kiitollinen avustanne.
Koska en tiedä kieltä, ja en tiedä missä minun kappaleet soitetaan Suomessa.
Kiitos kaikille, jotka arvostavat minua taiteilijana.
Hyvää yötä ystäväni. / Emmy
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