måndag 28 april 2014

The Finnish Press contacted me

I got contacted by the Finnish press yesterday. 2 magazines got in touch with me, wanting me to give my story of what really happened in Tallinn, for free??!!

Here is the text I revived from one magazine.

I think it's strange that a big magazine promotes that they pay for tips, and now says they don't pay anything, and that they keep contact via SMS, and claims the email is not working?

If I had a magazine and clearly was interested in a story I would call the other person?

Strange.... But I didn't give them my story anyways.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hej, Emmy,
    det är inga veckotidningar, utan någon skämtar med dig. Ingen veckotidning skulle skicka dig sådana tokiga meddelanden.

  2. Tack. Tyckte det lät konstigt

  3. I don´t think that the magazine has sent you those sms`s
