lördag 27 april 2013

Beautiful flowers for me

They brought me so beautiful flowers. Sooo lovely. We had a nice evening with wine, food and music. After a long day of traveling they all went to bed.
As will I.
Goodnight everyone.

Finish artist coming to visit

Ready to meet a finish artist and her entourage for a recording in the studio tomorrow with two of my songs. It's gonna be a great day.

fredag 12 april 2013

Red carpet party

Getting ready for a lovely dinner party with friends. And showing of my new dress and earrings.

tisdag 2 april 2013

My day today

Lots of flowers came in today. Even doh I don't celebrate. I am glad I am still looking young, and I am looking forward to years to come. And lots of things is going to be great this years. Have a wonderful day everyone.